Why Is My Dog Scared of Thunderstorms and What Can I Do About It?
Q: Why is my dog so afraid of thunder and how can I make him less scared?
A: Many dogs are afraid of thunder simply because they do not understand what it is. Dogs hear this loud noise and perceive it as something threatening.

It is important, however, not to try to soothe your pet too much. Doing so can actually encourage his fear if he senses any insecurity in your voice.
During a thunderstorm, try to provide a background noise for your dog, such as TV or radio. This may help to somewhat drown out the noise of the thunder. You can also try to get your dog’s mind off the storm by playing with him.
There are some dogs that require sedation when there is a storm. Consult your veterinarian so that they can prescribe something to calm your dog during a storm.
Is There Such Thing As Dog Life Insurance?
It’s a Dog’s Life (Insurance)
It will take some digging and research, but it is possible to find life insurance for your dog. Traditional insurance companies, like the one your life or homeowner’s policy is through, usually don’t carry policies on dogs, even if they’re purebred. There are companies that specialize in pet insurance, however, and they’re the ones that can provide the coverage you’re looking for.
Who Should Get It
People who get life insurance for their dogs typically have expensive purebred pooches. Not all of them are show dogs, but many are, making insurance a common-sense issue. And because of the cost of a specially trained service dog, people who have these types of dogs sometimes choose to insure them, too.
Things to Consider
Life insurance for dogs doesn’t work exactly like life insurance for humans. You’ll have to shop around and find out what different policies cover and how they determine the payout. Some policies are written for accidental death only, and some will pay for costs like final veterinary expenses, euthanasia, cremation or burial. One insurance company might calculate the payout based on the market value of the dog at the time of his death, while another will base it on the price you paid for your dog. Ask about age cut-offs, too. Some insurance companies won’t insure dogs over a certain age and will even drop insurance once a dog reaches 10 or 11 years.
Other Dog Insurance
If life insurance on your pooch isn’t practical, consider getting help with healthcare to improve the quality of his life and possibly extend it. If you haven’t looked into it before, you might be surprised at the number of companies that offer health insurance for pets. Like your own health insurance, there are usually different levels of coverage ranging from wellness plans to accident coverage. It may not insure the life of your dog, but it can help defray the costs of medical treatment — which may end up literally being a life and death issue.