Dog Skin Conditions: Allergies

Atopy Flea allergy dermatitis

Photos courtesy David A. Senter, DVM
Cause: Inhaled substances such as dust mites and pollens (atopy or allergic inhalant dermatitis, an inherited condition); flea saliva (flea allergy dermatitis); contact with or ingestion of a triggering substance, including food ingredients.
Symptoms: Itching (often severe); skin rashes ranging from slight reddening to generalized inflammation with assorted bumps, pimples, and welt-like lesions; persistent ear infections. Secondary infections by bacteria and yeasts are common.
Treatment: Allergen avoidance, flea control, antihistamines, corticosteroids (“cortisone”), cyclosporine, and hyposensitization (“allergy shots”). Antibiotics and anti-yeast medications are used to treat secondary infections. Often a combination of therapies produces the best results.
Disclaimer:’s Dog Skin Conditions are intended for educational purposes only. They are not meant to replace the expertise and experience of a professional veterinarian. Do not use the information presented here to make decisions about your dog’s ailment. If you notice changes in your dog’s health or behavior, please take your pet to the nearest veterinarian or an emergency pet clinic as soon as possible.