Spray Bottles for Dog Training
Pros of the Spray Bottle
You can keep bottles all over your home so you always have one ready if Bubba misbehaves. Water is harmless — you’re not being mean, just distracting your buddy from doing something he shouldn’t. Some dogs become so fearful of it that they’ll take the long way around the room if they see the bottle on the table — you might not even need to use it.
The Downside
Your pal may become terrified of water. He’ll have no problem drinking it, but when it comes to bath time, forget it. Water is scary, so when you try to lure him to the tub, he may growl or snap. If Bubba seems terrified of the spray bottle, it probably isn’t an ideal tool for your situation. On the other hand, some pups couldn’t care less about the water and make it a game by trying to catch the stream in their mouths.
Training Tips
The trick to making the spray bottle effective is to not make a big fuss. It’s not meant to be mean or a way to tease your dog. If you see bad behavior, grab the bottle, give him a squirt and put it back down — ideally he shouldn’t see you pulling that trigger. Then toss him a toy to chew on and pat him on the head to enforce the desired behavior.
Cheese Pleaser Dog Treats Recipe

Whether you make all of your dog’s food or just want to give your dog a special culinary surprise, this cheesy Pooch Munchies recipe, from the Three Dog Bakery, is sure to have your dog begging for more.
Get the whole family involved for this quick and easy dog recipe.
Prep Time: 15 min
Bake Time: 12 min
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon garlic salt (do not use fresh garlic)
1/2 cup soft bacon fat
1 cup shredded cheese
1 egg, beaten slightly
1 cup milk
Baking Instructions:
Preheat oven to 400 ºF.
Place flour and garlic salt in a large bowl. Stir in bacon fat. Add cheese and egg.
Gradually add enough milk to form a dough.
Knead dough and roll out 1-inch thick.
Use a dog bone-shaped cookie cutter to cut out dough. (Don’t have a cookie cutter? Use an upside down glass to cut out round cookies)
Place dog bones on a greased cookie sheet and bake about 12 minutes or until they start to brown.
Cool and serve.
Inspection Tips for Adopting a Dog
If you’re looking for inspection tips before adopting a dog, you’re ahead of the game. Many folks purchase pups right off the Internet, site unseen. This is a bad idea because Internet breeders can be worse than puppy mill breeders; Internet breeders don’t need to be regulated. It’s always best to inspect a dog before you adopt so you’ll know exactly what you’re getting. After all, you’ll probably have this pup for the next 10 to 15 years. Have a question? Get an answer from a Vet now!
Pre-visit Work
Before visiting a shelter or rescue, check it out online, recommends trainer Sue Sternberg on Petfinder. If the dog descriptions all sound similar, such as “sweet, friendly and loving,” that could be a red flag, which signals a shelter doesn’t know its animals well or, worse, doesn’t want to say what the real personalities might be. Avoid such shelters. A good shelter will allow you to return a dog any time, will let you take the dog on a walk and can tell you about the dog’s temperament. It’s common to travel up to three hours from home to find a good shelter or rescue.
Look for a social dog above all else; you’ll likely have the most success transitioning a social dog to your home. A social dog likes to be near you. He’s friendly, affectionate and bonds easily with people. You’ll probably have lots of fun with a social dog.
Determine Whether a Dog is Sociable
Approach a dog that strikes your fancy, and put your hand on his kennel. The dog should walk over to sniff it. Say, “Good dog!” Move your hand slowly across the kennel. A social dog should follow it. Bad reactions include dogs who slink or cower at your approach or who aggressively bark or lunge at you. Don’t choose a dog just because you feel sorry for it — you can’t rescue every dog there. Your job is to find the best dog for you.
Walk the Dog
When you find a social dog you like, ask to walk him. Once you are away from the commotion of the shelter, find a quiet place and sit down. The dog should come to you to seek your attention. If he does, slowly pet his back or scratch his chest. He should enjoy this. If he moves away or shows aggression, keep looking. He also should not mouth you, even in a playful way, because that behavior can lead to biting.
Children, Lifestyle, Other Dogs
If you have a small child or another dog, introduce them to the dog you’re considering. Your potential dog should want to greet your child. To determine whether both dogs will get along, take them for a walk together. The dog you adopt should also fit with your lifestyle. If you’re a high-energy person who loves to play, jog or walk daily, a high-energy dog is a good fit. If you want a quiet dog who is content to live in an apartment, choose a dog who isn’t as active. When you have a different energy level from your dog, you’ll both be frustrated, according to Cesar Millan on his website, Cesar’sWay.